The Importance of Choice

OK, let’s talk self-care when it comes to our movement practice.  We’ve got a lot on offer for movement choices at The Hub, from yoga to pilates, strength training to mindful inquiries, and more.  One thing that we value in all our movement classes is choice.  We believe that you have the answers within you to make informed decisions about what you need.  It can take some work to cultivate your internal teacher but we know she exists and we trust her expertise when she shows up.  That’s why all our classes offer you options to help you choose your best version of movement.  We believe healing is individual and movement should be too.  

During a class in The Hub Life we’ll offer modifications of exercises to help make them more approachable and reduce any unnecessary strain.  We will never judge you for choosing a modification and in fact, we will celebrate you for listening to your inner guide.  We will never be offended if you take a break, choose to do something else, or decide you’ve had enough for the day.  

We also offer plenty of variations to keep you on your toes and invite you to find your limits of strength.  Part of exercise science teaches us that we have to find these edges to build back stronger.  We will cheerlead you in your effort and breakthroughs and celebrate your successes!  

So what are you waiting for?!  Come join us and get moving!


Let’s Go Upside Down


Rachel’s Story