Forge incredible new patterns for a more inspired &
healthful life!

If you're ready to discover the power of your own body wisdom and inner voice, if you're ready to move in a new and inspired way, come discover the transformational power of mindful movement and pilates!

Movement isn't punishment. It's an act of self-expression, self-care, and your divine humanness!

to Mindful Movement
and Pilates

Do you need help figuring out how to best support your body? You are in the right place! Follow me to learn about your body’s unique gifts and address imbalances through personalized patterns of body-mind rebalance. Through our work together you will learn positive movement, reinforce and generate new connections in the brain, develop states of awareness, elevate your consciousness, and improve your overall wellbeing.
It is my goal to support your quest for self improvement and provide tools for you to succeed in your journey.

Pilates offers a powerful jumping board to develop greater movement skills, explore nuances of muscle engagement and examine postural patterns and strength.  Together we can explore how the concepts from Pilates integrate into your daily living, as well as learn the full spectrum of all this incredible movement style has to offer.

Learn to move your body consciously through precise and flowing pilates exercises. Take a deep dive inwards to discover the places of natural ease in your body’s movement catalogue. Learn again to breathe and feel the power of connection your breath lends to the present moment.

 Unpacking the patterns that are holding you back from ease and joy is a catalyst for changing how you relate to the world. Movement has the capacity to unearth your stored beliefs and opens the door for your greatest potential.  Be bold in your expression and make powerful steps towards feeling whole. Let me show you how.

Are you...?

Tired of trying to figure out what works for your body

If you're done with the one-size-fits-all model of movement, you've come to the right place.  Together we'll discover what movements YOU enjoy, what helps YOU feel good, what makes YOU feel strong and centered!

Ready to try new ways of moving

Are you looking for inspiration and fun in your movement?  Do you want to make exercise feel like play and celebrate the body you live in?  Let's dive in and show you what you're capable of!

Struggling with pain, fatigue, or other ailments

Believe me I get it!  You are not alone.  And there is a way to meet your body with loving kindness and build resilience and safety again.  In our sessions we honour you completely and find the steps to move forward,


Improved Body-awareness

The tools you learn within each session compile to deepen your overall understanding of your body.  You'll notice yourself paying attention throughout your day and making adjustments towards feeling better!

Increased Movement Ability

Not only will you learn new and exciting patterns to move your body in, you'll also develop the ability to explore your own personal abilities and agility through heightened awareness and control.

Learning to Trust Your Choices

Learning to decipher the best choices for your own personal needs and goals is part of the process at My Somatic Self.  Discover the voice of your own body wisdom and your right to choose what feels best for you!

Stronger and Braver

There's plenty of room for you to explore your edges and gently nudge yourself to make bolder choices when it comes to your movement.  As you get stronger, you'll have more options available for taking adventures!

Your Teacher:

Hi! I am Meg, your somatic coach and movement teacher.

I am the founder of Radiant Effect and I have spent years diving into the process of creating meaningful movement. I thrive in helping others discover new patterns and supports to live a more inspired and healthful life.
I believe the body is the keeper of our stories and everyone of us has their own unique story to tell. Sometimes the story comes through words, sometimes through movement or sound or images. Together we can explore ways for you to uncover your unique narrative and develop resources to write your next chapter!

The nitty gritty is, I have completed two comprehensive Pilates trainings, several levels of yoga teacher trainings, multiple trauma-informed somatic studies and coaching. I have been faculty for different Pilates and yoga teacher trainings across Canada, especially on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. I have started and ran programs for several different studios and healthcare clinics. I also hold a bachelors degree in writing and anthropology. I am happy to share details about all of these things if you ask me.

If there is one thing I’ve learned through my own journey, it is that the quest we are on is about seeking excellence which requires curiosity and failure, and deep vulnerability. When we are ready to start opening those doors then the awe and wonder of our exceptional gifts as humans starts to reveal itself.

Mindful Movement and Pilates

You know your body best… and sometimes having the expertise of a trained professional can help you to unlock deeper potential, find more freedom, feel safer, and offer invaluable insight into your experience with your body.
Meg has helped hundreds of people to build more meaningful relationships with their bodies and transform their lives through mindful movement. In these sessions, you are always in the driver’s seat but with a warm and loving, co-navigator who knows the way.

Group Pilates Classes

There’s nothing like the energy of a group of humans sharing a moving experience! Tap into the vibrancy of group classes with Meg and know that you are fully supported to choose how to move for you.
Meg has spent years guiding classes that are designed to help you connect to your body, build strength and flexibility, challenge your mind, and learn to honour and respect your body’s needs.
Currently you can join Meg live, online:
Monday @ 6pm, Wednesday @ 9:30am

This quest we are on is about seeking excellence which requires curiosity and failure and deep vulnerability. When we are ready to start opening those doors the awe and wonder of our exceptional gifts as humans reveals itself to us.


"I owe the freedom and confidence within my body to Meg.

In addition to incredible wisdom and expertise for functional movement, her intuition, kindness and passion in this realm is second to none. I could not be more grateful for her guidance and care."


"Her thoughtful approach is grounded in years of experience”

"Meg has guided me through my Pilates journey from reluctant first-timer to confident teacher (with a broken elbow and a pregnancy in between). Her thoughtful approach is grounded in years of experience, awareness of her client's body and mood, and knowledge of so much more than just the movement.  She always knows exactly what I need, and I finish sessions feeling like a better, more balanced human."


Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never done pilates before, how do I start?

If you are new to the world of mindful movement and pilates, it is worth the investment to experience a 1:1 session.  You'll walk away learning things about yourself that you didn't know before.  You'll be better prepared to jump into a group class with a few basics under your belt!

If you're already a confident mindful-mover, reach out for guidance on which group class to join!

Do I need exercise equipment?

Having a supportive surface to move on is essential!  Pilates mats are often thicker than regular yoga mats, so you may want extra padding for your joints during Pilates sessions.

Other tools that are nice to have but not essential are: a long foam roller, small 2-3 lbs hand weights, a long theraband, a loop band, a yoga bolster, a yoga strap.

I'm scared of getting injured or flaring up a condition

You are in the right place.  In all our movement classes you are always given options for how to engage.  You can choose the variation that feels most aligned for you and you are always in the position to chose not to do a movement.  In fact, being able to say 'not today' or 'no, thank you' is almost a pre-requisite for coming! 

If you need more care for steps forward, it's best to book a 1:1 session.