Let’s Go Upside Down

Let’s chat about two of our favourite inversions: Waterfall pose (Viparita Karani) and Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana). 

These postures actually have a lot in common.  They both improve blood circulation and lymph flow.  And they both effect mind-state and mood-energy.  We love both these postures! 

So why choose one over the other?

 Like so much of what we teach at The Hub, it’s about self attendance and knowing what resource to use in the moment to support you. 

Waterfall pose is an excellent way to help facilitate the down regulation of the nervous system. It invites a sense of calm and ease, shifts your perspective, supports the weight of the legs, and is adaptable for almost any body. 

Handstand on the other hand 😉, stimulates the nervous system into action.  It’s like a shot of espresso that jolts you into wakefulness! It requires strength, coordination, and balance.  It improves core stability and because it’s a weight bearing exercise, it also promotes healthy bones.  It’s a good idea to find an experienced teacher to help you learn how to do a handstand safely. 

In the middle of the afternoon if you’ve got that sluggish vibe and another coffee sounds like a great idea, hopping up into a handstand can help brighten your senses and give you the lift you’re looking for. 

Whereas, putting your legs up the wall can help you recharge in a softer way and also supports the transition into deep rest.  We love to do this practice right before bed to help teach the body how to shift into slower brainwaves. It’s also very useful midday if it’s been hectic and stressful and you feel like you’re moving a mile a minute!

Want to learn more about brainwaves, deep-rest, and the down regulation of the nervous system? Recalibrate starts again soon. We’d love to see you there!


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The Importance of Choice