6 Steps to Self-Care and our top 10 Tangible Tips to get there!
What image comes to mind when you think of self-care? A woman in a bathtub overflowing with bubbles? Maybe she’s at a spa getting her nails done? Maybe sipping tea while curled up with a book?
These are all delightful images and certainly may fall in the category of self-care but all the bubble baths, pedicures and tea times in the world aren’t going to help us feel better long-term if we’re missing the most basic foundations of self-care.
The word ‘care’ actually has roots in old-english with meanings tied to grief and lament that are more in line with experiences of hardship, suffering, pain, and bodily affliction. Nothing in its etymology suggests pampering! Perhaps that conclusion has come from too many spin offs of desperate housewives and the like, where the concept of basic needs doesn’t even register.
So what are we actually talking about when we talk about self-care? The World Health Organization has a great definition: ‘Self-Care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness. It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene (general and personal), nutrition (type and quality of food eaten), lifestyle (sporting activities, leisure etc.), environmental factors (living conditions, social habits, etc.) socio-economic factors (income level, cultural beliefs, etc.) and self-medication.’
Self-care is centered around preservation of health to prevent the growing epidemic of lifestyle disease. Whether you are a fully healthy person, or someone living with an existing disease, self-care falls somewhere between 70-95% of all health management. And in fact, even knowing when to reach out for support can be considered an aspect of self-care! Let’s break it down.
Our 6 Steps to Self-Care
One: Knowledge
This is about knowing what to do to look after one’s self. It includes personal attendance of one’s basic needs such as knowledge of sleep hygiene, what constitutes healthy eating, how much water to drink, why you should floss your teeth etc., as well as access to collaborative-care with healthcare professionals.
Two: Self-Awareness and Agency
Self-awareness is the basis for all other self-care practices. It allows us to have an understanding of where we are at, and also understand what we need to prioritize to improve our health. We can start by acknowledging where our successes are and then use that strength to help confront the dimmer places of our health that we may be avoiding. This plays a huge role in motivation and drive!
Included in your self-awareness may be some or all of the following:
Your sleep profile
Your stress levels
Your diet
Your level of physical activity
Your medical history and any genetic predispositions or risk factors
Your resting heart rate and blood pressure
Your weight, height and body mass index (BMI)
Your cholesterol levels
Your HbA1c level (for blood glucose)
Your mental and emotional health
Your oral health situation
Your hygiene practices (Oh look, bubble baths are part of self-care ;)
Three: Physical Activity
We must move our body for health. Whether it’s a walk, some yoga, a bike ride, taking the stairs, vacuuming the house, or going to a dance class, regular physical activity helps to control weight and reduces the risk of metabolic illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon and breast cancer and dementia. It also plays a huge role in reduced stress, increased mental health, improved sleep and overall strength and longevity. Once we’ve built the awareness that this is a piece of our self-care puzzle that needs more attention, we can shift to trying out new things, with people we like, to find ways to move that brings us joy.
Four: Healthy Eating
Healthy eating, alongside physical activity, are the top two preventative care factors for all non-communicable diseases. The prevalence of over eating, in combination with consumption of nutrient-poor foods that are high in saturated fat, sugar and salt results in increased blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, obesity and overweight, micronutrient deficiencies and a range of other related health problems. Eating whole foods, with healthy fats, clean protein, legumes, whole grains and nuts, and heaps of fruits and vegetables can help to increase longevity, reduce risk factors for disease, improve energy, mental clarity and mood.
Just like physical activity, we can shift our habits at any time in our lives. It’s never too late to make changes. In order to feel successful, we recommend focusing on one new healthy habit at a time. It can have a profound effect on all the other aspects of your health-care puzzle!
Five: Lifestyle Choices
We might not think of this directly when we consider self-care but our daily activities can play a huge role on our health. This could include how much alcohol we drink, whether we smoke or not, how much time we spend in front of a screen, if we protect ourselves from the sun, whether we floss or wash our hands effectively, how we manage our stress levels, among other things.. There is room for acts of self-care everyday in the way we show up to our lives and acknowledging the choices we make day in and day out can help us zero in on the next best step for our health.
Six: Products and Services
There is so much available to help support our healthy lifestyle choices. Switching personal and household products to cleaner, less toxic options can be an important act of self-care. Finding healthcare professionals that help you reach your goals, understand information, keep you motivated and directed can be a game changer for self-care. Using the right supplements, medications, treatments and tools for monitoring your health can help you go from feeling ‘meh’ to feeling vibrant and alive.
So, do you still think self-care is equal to bubble baths and sipping tea? They definitely play a role, but when we look at the big picture there are so many aspects to our self-care that we have agency over. At Radiant Effect we can help you determine what aspect of your self-care needs the most priority and we’ll support your efforts and help guide your path. That’s what we do!
Here’s our top 10 tangible tips for your own self-care practice:
Drink 8-8oz glasses of fluid per day (not including coffee or soft drinks or any other beverages with sugar and/or caffeine). Staying hydrated plays a huge role in keeping all the systems within our body functioning optimally. We like to use a large mason jar and make sure we fill and empty it at least twice a day!
Fill half your plate with vegetables. This is a quick way to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need. We always say “eat the rainbow!”
Move your body everyday. Challenge your body 3 times per week. We don’t have to do a major workout everyday but we do need to move functionally through the day. That means getting up from your desk often. On fitness focused days, combining different types of exercise such as strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and stretching is a winning combination.
Get direct sunlight on your face first thing in the morning (no sunglasses and not through a window). This is an integral part of setting our internal circadian rhythm and promotes a better night's sleep!
Make a list of your supports. Write down who helps you and how. This could include friends, family, healthcare professionals, or just people you know will help you when and if you need it. Doing this at least once, helps you think about who’s on your side and also helps to highlight places where you maybe need to grow your support network.
Take care of your teeth. A healthy mouth promotes a healthy gut. Brush twice, floss once, every day!
Take your Vitamin D. Especially if you live in the northern hemisphere. It’s really hard for us to get enough of this important vitamin and supplementation is highly recommended. If you need further guidelines, we’re more than happy to help!
Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. If you’re in the habit of sleeping in on the weekends, and staying up later, you may be doing yourself a disservice when it comes to regulated sleep patterns. Try to stick to the same schedule, more or less, every day of the week.
Use olive oil and grass-fed butter for cooking. Choosing healthy fats for cooking makes a big difference not only in taste but also in supporting a healthy heart, good cholesterol and reduced inflammation.
Do things that bring you joy every single week. Our mental health plays a major role in our overall health. It’s important to invest and discover things that bring you true contentment. If you’re not sure where to start, consider things you loved to do when you were a child, perhaps there is an adult version that would be just as much fun!
Want to know how we practice self-care over at Radiant Effect?
Rachel takes a walk every morning along the water with her dog, Cooper. She prioritizes her sleep and never brings her phone into her bedroom at night. She keeps regular visits with her healthcare team and exercises her body almost everyday!
Meg makes sure to drink a glass of water every morning before her coffee. She takes time each morning to go outside and greet the day, letting her chickens out, and walking the dogs on the beach or in the forest. She prioritizes rest when she needs it and checks in with her family on a regular basis.
We’ve helped tons of people feel vibrant, connected and in-control of their health. Whenever you’re ready, we’re ready to help! Connect with us to learn how!