
Arguably the most important aspect of your health is connection with others.

Without connection, all the self-care tools in the world won't change the systemic problem of why so many people are feeling unwell.

Community is one of the most integral parts of your health, and often the most overlooked.

Working together in community can help to change the root cause of so much dis-ease.

You need people who are also normalizing tuning-in, nourishing their bodies, moving on a regular basis, and prioritizing rest, to help bolster courage to do these things for yourself. You can't go it alone. It's not sustainable. In fact, it's downright exhausting.


Free: Clarity Call

Join Rachel and Meg from Radiant Effect to connect and uncover your next steps on your health journey!

Doing it ALONE, or TOGETHER?

Do you ever get the feeling that it’s all up to you? If you don’t do it yourself, it won’t get done? We know this feeling all too well and yet we’ve learned first hand that linking arms lightens the load.