Somatic Coaching & Mindful Movement

Do you know how to pay attention to the cues that your body is giving you?

Are you hungry? Are you angry? Are you tired or disconnected? What feelings or parts of yourself are you avoiding? Are you saying yes to people when you want to say no?

It's easy to get caught up in your day to day responsibilities and lose connection with the deeper messages your body is conveying.

Somatic coaching and mindful movement are all about paying attention to what your body, mind and heart are trying to tell you. 

If you're ready to hear the messages, you're in the right place.

Discover Somatic Coaching & Mindful Movement
with Meg

Are you feeling disconnected from yourself? Like you're going through the motions of life? Are you buzzing from anxiety and overload? Are you perpetually overwhelmed? Is your body loaded with tension? Or are you searching to feel aligned with your core again?

Join Meg to get centered, tune-in, and steer yourself back on course.


Where to start…

One of the core principles of somatic coaching is that the body is a resource for change and improvement. By paying attention to your experiences and engaging in practices that promote awareness, you can access your own inner resources and cultivate new ways of being.

Learn to move your body consciously through precise and flowing pilates exercises. Take a deep dive inwards to discover the places of natural ease in your body’s movement catalogue. Learn again to breathe and feel the power of connection your breath lends to the present moment.

Pilates offers a powerful jumping board to develop greater movement skills, explore nuances of muscle engagement and examine postural patterns and strength.  Together we can explore how the concepts from Pilates integrate into your daily living, as well as learn the full spectrum of all this incredible movement style has to offer.