Consolation in Isolation


If you identify as an empath, a caretaker or a compassionate supporter, you’re in good company.  We’re sure you have discovered during the course of the pandemic just how much you are needed.  If there was ever any doubt in the importance of our place in this world, it has most certainly become illuminated through the struggles of those around us during this time of isolation.  It’s not that we haven’t had our own challenges dealing with the stress of our current living situation, but perhaps we’ve found some solace in showing up for others and helping those we care about.  We’ve found a way to have consolation in isolation.  As we listen to those around us and hear their stories maybe we can help them start to identify how they too have found their own consolation.  If you look carefully to the in-between moments of existing, some beauty can be found.  As humans we must find meaning in the things around us in order to live a fulfilled life.  Those moments of meaning are actually the places of transcendence from our otherwise busy minds; they are the places where we can connect our own hub of energy to the energy surrounding us.  

Where do you find consolation in isolation?  How can you find transcendence through beauty?  For many it’s actually very simple: perhaps a walk in their own neighborhood they notice the start of a bloom on a magnolia tree, perhaps it’s reading the morning paper over a favourite cup of coffee, perhaps it’s time spent with your pets playing or snuggling, maybe it’s the weekly FaceTime call with your mother where you get to see each other’s smiles uncovered from masks, maybe it’s right here in the treasured moments at The Hub Life where we can move and explore together in the safety of our compassionate hearts.  The one theme that threads them all together though is our awareness.  We must bring presence to these moments in order to feel them and find the meaning.  After all: we are feeling bodies within a physical structure.  

If you’ve been showing up more than you’ve been filling up, take a few minutes to acknowledge the places of meaning in your own life, prioritize those moments so you can be present when they happen.  Through your own attendance to your transcendence you’ll help inspire the people around you to recognize their places of consolation too. 

If you’ve lost your sense of compassion, consolation and just feel numb it’s ok, you’re not alone.  Pop over and check out our course RECALIBRATE.  We’re here to help support you back to awareness and a meaningful life!


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